Share To Earn

Learn how to set up referrals, and sell better with your NFT collection.

Sell better by sharing a percentage of earnings with those who bring in sales. You as the creator, can set the percentage that you want to give to your community/referrals.


  • Deployed Smart Contract

  • The sale phase has not yet started or been stopped

Installing Share to Earn

Anyone using a share-to-earn link to sell your NFTs can earn a portion of your revenue. Share-to-earn links are unique to each wallet address so revenue can be split when the NFT is sold.

Share-to-earn links will be displayed on your collection mint site upon activation and set up of %.

To install, go to the apps tab and add Share to Earn to your collection. Go to your collection and set up the % you want to give to grant your referrals.

Share to rearn button on your mint page
Share to earn set up inside your drop dashboard

Last updated

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