◻️Install for Squarespace

Learn how to install the NiftyKit Diamond Widgets for Squarespace.

This tutorial will show you how to install the NiftyKit Diamond Widgets button on your Squarespace website.

To begin, make sure you're in the Squarespace website builder.

1. Add a "Code" Block

2. Embed the following snippet within your Code Block

<!-- Import NiftyKit Widgets library -->
<script type="module" src="https://sdk.niftykit.com/widgets/widgets.esm.js"></script>

<nk-diamond collection-id="YOUR-SDK-KEY">
      Connect Wallet
    <nk-drop-mint-button success-title="Success!" success-message="You did it!">
      Mint NFT

Be sure to replace YOUR-SDK-KEY with your SDK key.

3. Save your changes

Last updated