Transfer Ownership of Contract

Learn how you can transfer ownership of your contract.

The transfer of smart contract ownership helps users to transfer their projects to new owners. This can be allowed to occur due to a change of leadership, shifting roles/responsibilities within the project, or even extreme cases such as a project being hacked.

Follow the steps below to transfer NFT project ownership to new owners:

For ETH Mainnet Collection created before March 2023.

Step 1: Go to Etherscan

  • Head to your etherscan/polygon scan link. There are three ways to do this

    • Click the link from your NiftyKit drop page

    • Click it on OpenSea

    • search your contract address directly on etherscan/polygonscan

On your drop page click the etherscan/polygon scan button at the top right corner

Make sure you are on the contract level. Click your contract address on the profile summary.

The link should be[Your contract address]

Step 2: Go to Contract Tab

  • Once you are on the contract level of your etherscan/polygonscan. Go to the Contract tab then click on write contract. Connect to Web3 with the original wallet (ownership wallet).

Step 3: Add New Ownership

  • Under section [17. transferOwnership] paste the new wallet address and select "Write". The ownership of the smart contract will now be transferred to the new wallet address.

  • Please note that completion of this step will incur gas fees.

For Collections created After March 2023:

Pre- requisite:

  • Collection's contract address

    • To get the wallet address, go to your NiftyKit Mint Page and click the etherscan button

Copy the contract address under Primary Summary

  1. Go to louper -

  2. Paste your contract addrress under search by addresses

  3. Click the correct network on the drop-down

  4. Click Search

    5. Scroll down once pop-up

    6. Find and Click to ‘’Writable’’

7. Click "write" and connect your wallet that owns the collection.

  1. Once the wallet is connected, click the drop-down and Choose transferOwnership

  1. Under transferOwnership, you need to add: "0" under Value New wallet address under newOwner (address)

  2. Click Write to push the changes (Note: This trasactions requires gas fee to execute this process)

Check the contract if it’s successfully executed

Last updated